Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 26 Overdose

This is not going to be an answer, but a question about human versus plant and aquatic life rights. Americans put over 15 million tons of sodium chloride on pavement every year. 1 teaspoon can pollute 5 gallons of lake water beyond legal concentrations. I read that the amount of salt needed for 1000 square feet of a surface is under 4 pounds. It is more than likely that whatever goes on streets will end up in sewers, and then the Yahara Watershed. Another key fact here is that rock salt only melts ice down to 15 degrees Fahrenheit (freezing point depression, woooo chemistry!). Beyond that, it no longer works. So use sand instead. And, if you want to prevent ice most effectively, shovel off your snow before anyone has time to walk through it. My sidewalk routinely gets covered in rock salt, per above, and I'm going to start sweeping it up once it's clear that the impending threat of ice has passed.

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